Interview: Jennifer Hoffman's experience with washable diapers

Interview: Jennifer Hoffman's experience with washable diapers

Every ‘Full Kit’ order placed before the end of December will come with the exclusive opportunity to get personal guidance from Jennifer herself. Order your Full Kit here.

When did you decide washable diapers were the way to go?

Honestly? It wasn’t until we actually used them that I was convinced. When my friend Sanne Vogel - with whom I share a passion for sustainable products - texted me, I have to admit I was a little wary. “I’m assuming you’ll be using washable diapers too? Take this number, she’ll answer all of your questions”, she casually said. The truth was that the idea of washables didn’t speak to me at all, but Sanne was right; I had pledged to live as sustainably as I could. And so, I decided - reluctantly - to purchase a set. A few days after Cooper was born, my partner proudly walked into the room with him, wearing a pair of washables. The wrong pair, but that didn’t matter. I was so happy with his support, and decided then and there that we were going to see this through!


Do you consider washables to be unpleasant?

No, quite the contrary. I guess it does depend on what you feed your baby. In all honesty, I have a harder time with disposables, they seem to have this strange chemical smell and they are more prone to cause accidents - you know, the good old baby blowout! The first few months are a breeze because they only drink milk. You can just toss your nappies into the washing machine, business and all! I was dreading the time that Cooper would start eating solids, but by then you are so used to the routine that the simple step of adding a liner really doesn’t change much. You can simply toss the poo into the toilet, and put your diaper in the bin. Besides: when it comes to your own baby, it basically smells of roses anyway.


Are washable diapers complicated?

No, but I do think people are generally more reluctant to go for washables. Disposables are the norm, it’s what they give you in the hospital. Washables require a week or two of getting used to, but once you figure them out, they are very straightforward.



Do washable diapers take more time?

No. I feel like I’m changing less frequently than I would with disposables. And with a baby there will always be laundry. Even if it would have taken a little more of my time, it’s worth the investment. The simple notion that you’re not producing waste is very rewarding.


What did your partner think of washables?

For Dorian it was a no-brainer. Fact of the matter is that we’ve made the conscious choice to be more sustainable, making this a logical step. His support helped me enormously.


How did you convince him to go for washables?

I didn’t, but if you’re looking for an effective argument I would say; you’re the one giving birth and this is something your partner can do to contribute. My partner has turned the occasion into a cute father/son moment. He didn’t see it as a ‘must’ or dirty chore, on the contrary! He really took his time and enjoyed the interaction. Admittedly; the cool designs and the fact that you know you’re saving money does help!



Do washables actually help with speeding up the potty-training process?

Absolutely. It was the awareness of a wet diaper that made all the difference for Cooper. That connection needed to be made. Soon after I put him in washables, he started telling me that there was ‘pipi’ in his diaper. Not long after, the message was ‘I'm peeing’, which was quickly followed by the magical ‘mommy, I need to go!’. Now, at two years old, Cooper is fully potty trained. Something that couldn’t have been possible with disposable diapers!


What advice would you like to give parents who are thinking of using washables?

Do it. Really, do it! Don’t mind other people’s opinions. You wouldn’t believe the number of discouraging messages I received after posting about washables on Instagram. Yet, Cooper is now 22 months old and potty trained! Another important piece of advice is: give yourself some slack. Initially, I told myself that even going 50% washable would make a difference. It turned out to be so convenient that I discarded the idea of disposables all together.


What is your favourite thing about washable diapers?

That every time I was changing Cooper, I felt like I was doing something good…for him, for the planet and for myself!

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