
(Good Diapering) program by Billie Wonder

The Good Diapering (Goed Luieren) program by Billie Wonder offers a complete, sustainable solution for daycare centers and hospitals looking to switch to washable diapers. Specially designed for professional use, our products combine comfort, ease of use, and hygiene without adding extra workload for staff. The program includes premium washable diapers and a professional washing service that ensures hygiene according to the ISO standards

applicable in the relevant industry, guaranteeing worry-free use. Organizations that choose to join the Good Diapering program, opt for a significant reduction in their waste stream and CO2 footprint, no longer exposing baby and child skin to chemicals and plastic, support faster potty training and protect the planet. Read on or contact us using the form below to request a pilot or to get started.

Are you an organization interested in making the transition to sustainable diapers?

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Professional Washing Process and Hygiene Guarantee

The Good Diapering program prioritizes hygiene through our professional washing service in partnership with a professional, industrial laundry service. Used Billie Wonder diapers are collected in special odor-resistant bags and cleaned in a separate workflow using dedicated machines exclusively for diaper cleaning. Our laundry partner adheres to strict ISO hygiene standards and conducts checks on the quality of cleaning in specialized testing facilities. This not only ensures a clean diaper but also prevents the spread of viruses and infections. Thanks to this approach, we meet the highest standards in hygiene and health, allowing daycare centers and hospitals to use washable diapers with peace of mind.

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Custom-Designed Diapers for Every Life Stage

The Good Diapering program offers washable diapers with a specially designed sizing system, aligned with the sizes of common disposable diapers. From the smallest size for premature babies to diapers for toddlers nearing potty training, our diapers seamlessly meet the needs of every child. Through precise testing and feedback from professionals, we ensure that the diapers fit perfectly, regardless of the child's size or age. This system provides the same convenience and confidence as disposable diapers, but with the benefits of sustainability and reusability, without requiring staff to adapt to new sizing conventions.

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Transparent Impact Reports for Sustainability and Efficiency

Billie Wonder provides impact reports that allow organizations to monitor the use of Billie Wonder washable diapers per location. These reports offer insights into environmental benefits, such as waste reduction and CO2 savings, and support organizations in meeting- and reporting on their ESG objectives. Additionally, the data helps to adjust, if necessary, to the number of diapers or specific sizes in use, thereby optimizing efficiency. With these reports, daycare centers and hospitals can track their progress and make informed decisions for even greater impact.

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